"If it weren't for bad luck, I would have nothing to talk about" - April

Friday, October 5, 2012

My Scentsy Shameful Plug to get you through...

I have recently become an Independent Consultant for Scentsy!!  Please check out my website
I have a new blog in the works that is strictly NON-business and will be posted this week.  
Please excuse this shameful plug in the mean time.

Like a sweet melody, a fragrance can transport you to another place and time.  Be it a fond memory, a cozy winter evening or the fresh tropical breeze of paradise.  A wonderful smell can change a mood and soothe the soul.
Recently, that very thing happened to me.  I was transported.  It wasn't the first time and now that I have Scentsy in my life, it ceraintly won't be the last.  A friend selling Scentsy convinced me to have a party.  I somehow managed to bypass that part of my brain that normally throws up a red light the instant I think someone is selling something....regardless of how much I might otherwise adore the person.  I had never even smelled anything Scentsy before and really didn't know anything about it until the night before my party.  My first Scentsy experience was with "Lucky in Love".  As I took that first sniff, my eyes closed.  Suddenly I was thirteen years in the past at my old house, young and preparing for a night out with my friends.  My eyes opened as I snapped back to real life.  "Wow, that smell brings me right back" I said.  It was literally love at first sniff and it was that moment that I knew I wanted to be a part of this.
MY LIFE B.S. (before Scentsy)
Let me tell you a little bit about what led up to this pivotal moment.  The evening I was introduced to Scentsy began like this...
After a long day of work, I raced home to meet my Scentsy Consultant friend at my house.  As she fought her way through my front door, she was greeted with the typical scene: the TV on and much too loud, kids clamoring to see who is coming in, my dog barking incessently and my husband trying his best to shut the dog up and kicking a path to the front door through the random toys the kids dropped at the sight of a guest.  Then there's me - with this look on my face, waiting to see if she's offended by the place.  I immediately jump to explain myself, "I'm sorry for the mess, I just got home from work and haven't had a chance to pick up and the kids just, uh - Oh and sorry for the smell, we were cooking with onions and we haven't sifted the litter box yet and....".  I have so many things I feel the need to explain but my guest can barely hear me peddling my excuses over all the noise!
I have three children, a dog (who has been stuck on the "non-stop barking" setting for the past 12 years) and two cats.  To say my house is busy and chaotic would be a major understatement.  In addition to juggling the house and the kids and the pets, I work full-time and I don't get home from work until after 6pm.  When I do get home it's rush to make dinner, rush to eat, rush to do homework, rush to clean up, rush the kids off to bed, rush, rush, rush until I collapse on the couch and realize it's past my ownbedtime. But such is my life.  It's busy and hectic and there is never enough time.  
Having all these kids and pets is what makes Scentsy make sense for me!  Let's face it; kids and especialy pets can take away from the freshness in your home.  Between the litter box, lost sippie cups of milk, grapes that roll away to far off places, and things that happened that they they will never tell you about, you have to be part maid and part investigaor to keep up with it all!  I've spent many hours of my "free time" cleaning and trying to make the place smell good, only to find all the air fresheners, sprays and every other product would just never work as well as I would like.  The only thing that would kind of work were the expensive candles but they are scary!  Why? Because of the very reason I need them in the first place!  The kids and the pets!!  It was a vicious cycle.  Thank you Scentsy, you have broken the cycle!  With the  warmers, I no longer have to worry about the kids burning the place down just because I insist that the house not smell like a farm!  
Unlike anything else I have ever used, the Scentsy aromas filled my whole house and the fragrance lasted for hours, even days after I turned it off!  I have finally found the secret to having my house smell great!  And I could be wrong, but Iswear the house even looks a little cleaner just having it smell so good!
Now that I've become a Scentsy Independent Consultant, some of that "free" time I was spending on the never ending batltle at home can be used selling a product I really have a passion for that has made a difference in  my home and my life.  What a great excuse to go out and socialize while making a few extra bucks!  It's win-win!

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